Legacy Support

Legacy support is provided for the original ImpactFolios manager and designs prior to 2019.

Important Note: Legacy designs and manager are no longer being developed. We recommend our customers migrate to the new manager, which supports all modern technologies.

How do I upload Images?

  1. Select the portfolio you wish to add images to under the "Portfolios" header in your Account Management menu. Click the "Add New Image" button
  2. Click "Browse" to locate the image on your computer or disc. You do not need to resize your images - the ImpactFolios system will both resize and optimimze your images for the web.  Please see the note below regarding image dimensions.
  3. optional step - Type in a Title for your image, which will appear above the image when viewed at full size.
  4. optional step - Enter copyright information for your image and a description, both of which will appear beneath the image when viewed at full size.
  5. Click the "Add Image" button, then "Return to Portfolio" to add more images and repeat the process.
  6. You can edit any part of your portfolio and its contents simply by navigating your "Account Management" menu.

Important Notes:

  • Your uploaded image dimensions are controlled by the "Maximum image width" setting, found in "Image Layout".  Images that are larger than the "maximum image width" will be resized.  Smaller images will not be resized. 
  • Your thumbnail appearance is also set in the "Image Layout" section - either full frame or square crop layout. This only effects new image uploads. 


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